Joe Pasko's Home Page

Warning, some content may be offensive to various no sense of humor sensitive types. If you have your feelings hurt easily, please leave now

Thailand, 2010, an odyssey (3/2010)

A Few Rules for the Gym (5/2009)

Getting there is half the fun? (8/2008)

Bishkek Kyrgyzstan...You're going where? (7/2007)

One great day, one bad move. Maui 2007 (7/2007)

Snowboarding with the Baileys 2007

Chair 6 at Breckenridge hates my bindings(4/2007)

Don't call it a comeback, or Joe tries to sign up for the Darwin Awards (9/2006)

Few snaps from the Denver Auto Show 2006

Pics from Breckenridge with Friends 2006

Pics from Steamboat with the Streets 2006

Pics from Breck with family 2006

Trip report and pics from 2005's windsurfing trip to Maui

Few pics of a trip to KC and the Lake of the Ozarks

Silverton Mountain, an Extreme Ski Trip

Euro Trip 2004 Prague, London, Nice, Monaco, Antibes....just pictures so far

Steamboat Springs for New Years 2003

Maui, always a great time 2003

BSD pimp-slappin the Formula Atlantic Class at second creek...up to speed and going a little fast

Pic of the week, Super-SB rock climbing in boulder canyon 8/03

Tim comes to Colorado, and we promptly throw him off a rock

An Html Table library written in Python, similar to and Table.php

Many pics from the summer of 2002

Get a few random pics from my life

Pure Joy....(Jan 2002)

Me at Kanaha Uppers, Not bad for a disposable waterproof camera, maui2001

Having fun Colorado style (March 2001)

Good Stuff ............

(Well that's my biased opinion as I wrote most of it.)

Pics from Hurricane Gordon (2000)
Trip log of my return to Mecca in (2000)
A few pics from the above maui trip

Trip to Holland (2000) as told by Gia

Return to Margarita (99)
Short essay on windsurfing hurricanes (98-99)
Pics from Windsurfing in the Florida Panhandle (Sept 1999)

Windsurfing Hurricane George (Sept 1998)
Joe Goes to Maui (April 98)
Joe Goes Windsurfing in Margarita (April 96) Trip report on the Isle de Margarita off the coast of S. America
Review of my Aruba trip (June 94) (pictures included).

Baseball Vs. Hockey...A case analysis(Feb 98)
Psycho Trainers Workout Guide Get Big or Get Out workout guide.


It was a Dark and Stormy night, or Joe buys a saturn (Aug 94)

Scrapbook Pics

  • The final Chapter in the ASFH, the Audio Dealer from Hell heading there. (Dec 97)
  • The Audio Shop From Hell Addendum (March 97) A follow-up to My experience trying to audition high-end audio equipment.
  • The Audio Shop From Hell (Dec 96) My experience trying to audition high-end audio equipment.



    Misc Stuff

  • (169K jpg) The Beast...
  • Me scared out of my mind on the side of a mountain Bixby bridge Big Sur Ca(100K).
  • Send mail to me...